How do I know that you received my order, and how do I obtain a receipt?
Once you have submitted your order, an order confirmation containing your final order total, details, billing, contact and shipment information will be emailed to you. Additionally Paypal will provide you with another order confirmation with your order details

What if I didn’t receive my order confirmation?
If you haven’t received your order confirmation email, please check your junk email folder or spam filter.

May I make a correction to my order after it has been submitted?
Since most orders are transmitted to our production staff immediately upon submission, it is generally very difficult to make corrections or changes to the design submitted for printing. If you have just placed your order, and want to check if changing it is possible, please contact customer service immediately

What is your cancellation policy?
You can find our cancellation policy in our Terms of Sale.

How Can I Help The Ordering Process?
We treat all orders as ‘Live’ only when full payment has been accepted online and artwork supplied has been approved. Delays to the printing process most commonly occurs when artwork preparation was overlooked. Please pay special attention to the artwork preparation guidelines to ensure a smooth and timely process.



What is your turnaround time?
As soon as an order is placed by you, it moves into production right away. We ship either via UPS, Post Office or GSO and it should get to you within a couple of days (sometimes even next day). Please note all time frames are in business days. Also please note these time frames do not take into account production time frames which vary per product line.
These are the average time frames to produce some of the items we offer in our website:

1. Any full color item like business cards, postcards, flyers, envelopes, letterhead: 2-4 business days

2. Any 1 color item like keytags, pens, doorhangers, envelopes, letterhead: 2-5 business days.

3. Any stock item like “ready-to-go” banners and signs: ship the same day, no production time needed

4. Any digital printed product like banners, signs, nametags, stickers, magnetic signs: 1-2 business days.

For expedited or rush production/delivery schedules please contact us

My product contains a defect or is damaged, what can be done?
If the product is damaged and / or contains manufacturing defects when you receive your order, please contact customer support


May I use a credit card with someone else’s name?
For security purposes, the billing address entered on the site must match the address on file for the credit or debit card used.

What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Amex through PayPal.

What is your refund policy?
For our refund policy, please see our Terms of Sale.

Do you offer any discounts?
We do not offer any discounts but the ones displayed on the website.


Are there any discounts on print?
As far as reseller / trade discounts are concerned, our prices are very competitive. We price right down ‘to the bone’ so please don’t expect a resellers price reductioin, the margins simply aren’t there.



Do you offer any sizes and shapes other than those listed on the website?
We offer a wide variety of sizes and shapes not listed on the website. Please contact us for these “custom” products


What colors do you have available?
For full color printing we offer just this, full or process color (a mixing of the Black, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan inks)
For one color printing we offer: black, reflex blue, green 347, red 185, silver, gold. Other custom or PMS colors are available upon “custom” request, contact us

Will the printed product look exactly like the design proof displayed on my monitor?
Due to different monitor calibrations, some printed colors may not always match the colors displayed on your computer monitor. Additionally full color process offers a combination of the four inks above mentioned (black, yellow, magenta and cyan) and may not always match the colors exactly.


What’s “bleed”?
Bleed is the portion of a print job that goes beyond the document boundaries (aka Trim) that will be cut off during print, to help insure that color or image provides a clean edge to edge display.

When do I need to use a bleed?
You only need to use a bleed when you have a edge to edge document that uses color, or an image. You do not need to bleed anything that is contained inside of the document bounds.

What’s Screen resolution and Print resolution?
Screen resolution is the number of dots per inch on your monitor. for Windows it is 72 dot per inch and for mac it is 96 dot per inch
Print resolution is also the number of dots per inch on something you print on. This is set higher depending on what type of materials you are printing on like glossy paper or normal paper = 300 dot per inch
newspaper (paper that are porous) = 144 dot per inch (because the ink will bleed over)

What is CMYK, RGB and what should I use for Print and Web?
RGB is the color mode used by your monitor (Red, Green, Blue). CMYK is the standard printing format using Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black to create all its colors. Never send an RGB file to print.

What is PANTONE?, Why is it used?
Pantone is a color matching system (commonly called PMS colors). This is used when you want a specific color and you can pick it from a PMS book. These are common in logos and T-shirts or other print jobs that won’t use the full 4color process. Pantone goes even more in depth too with metallic, flourescent and opaque inks. There’s alos tons of other benefits for specialty printing where you’d add a PMS color after the 4C process. Try to pick up a pantone book and you’ll understand more fully, way too much to discuss here. You could start with their website too www.pantone.com/

My artwork is in Spot Colors/or/RGB and my client wants to print CMYK, Do I need to convert it?
Can I Convert it? what would give me the closest convertion result?

As mentioned early don’t ever print RGB. If you have am image in RGB your best bet is to use Photoshop to convert (Image>Mode>CMYK). The color won’t be exact so you may still need to go in and color correct some. The same with spot colors, use Photoshop to convert images and illustrator to convert vector art.


What type of material is my banner be printed on?
We print our banners on 18oz vinyl. Note: 18oz vinyl is a heavyweight plastic produced that is extremely flexible, can be rolled up and is very durable outdoors. It is a great option for an inexpensive, quality store banner or outdoor advertisement.


What kind of image should I use for a photograph?
If you’re using a photograph, then you should use a good resolution JPEG image. Try to find the highest quality image with a file size less than 12 Megabytes (12 MB).

What kind of image should I use for a logo or clip art?
To use a logo, or some type image created by a graphics professional from solid lines and colors (specifically called ‘vector art’), then EPS is the best choice. By using an EPS file in your design, you can retain the sharp lines in your original image, even if the file size you use is very small. If you do not have access to an EPS file, then GIF or PNG file formats will provide you with the next best print quality. Again, try to find the highest quality image with a file size less than 12 Megabytes (12 Mb).


What is the bleed and why is it so important?
The bleed is a .125″ section that surrounds the edge of the printed dimensions. All images, text and color fills that are intended to extend to the edge of the page should be extended .125″ to create a bleed.
It is very important that you consider the bleed when printing text, boxes and other elements so that they are not cut off when the print is finished. To avoid this from occuring, ensure that these elements are positioned well within from all the edges.

What is RGB and CMYK? What Do I Need To Use?
These are the colors used.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) – These are the primary colors of light which are best used for screen.
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Keyline Black) – This color spectrum is 4 color which lends itself to full color printing.
Converting all your artwork for printing from RGB to CMYK gives you more control over the final result of the color. When we receive your artwork it is automatically converted to CMYK by our software. If it uses RGB, this gets changed to CMYK, but this may result in printed colous that are slightly different to your expectations. We can not be responsible for this and you should submit your artwork in the CMYK color format.
Remember that all files should be prepared in with CMYK colous. If you are designing your own artwork, be sure to convert colous from RGB format to CMYK. There is usually an option in your graphics package to do this.
A professional designer will ensure the working space is set to CMYK from the very beginning.

Can I Scan / Print Images And Photograhs?
Yes. When scanning your photograph or anything else for that matter, you must ensure that you are scanning at an absolute minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch). When preparing your artwork with images and photographs, when you provide your PDF, EPS or AI files please ensure that they are all embedded within your final artwork document.

Will the printed product look exactly like the design proof displayed on my monitor?
Due to different monitor calibrations, some printed colors may not always match the colors displayed on your computer monitor. Additionaly full color process offers a combination of the four inks above mentioned (black, yellow, magenta and cyan) and may not always match the colors exactly.

How Should I Send Booklet Artwork?
When sending multiple page documents such as booklets, they must be arranged in Printer Spreads. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Which type of file format will provide the highest quality output for my print?
We highly recommend PDF as a default file format. When providing your PDF, please ensure that it is saved as a ‘Press Quality’ document (This is will be a standard default setting within your graphics program).
When you save your artwork as a PDF it ensures that all fonts and images are embedded within the document, and maximum image quality is maintained when it is saved as ‘Press Quality’.

Saving Your Artwork As A PDF – If You Are Using Adobe Photoshop CS2/3/4/5:
When creating your document save as PSD with layers preserved. When you are ready to output as PDF, choose Save As > Photoshop PDF when presented with the Adobe PDF Preset options simply choose ‘Press Quality’ and save your file.
To ensure highest quality output Do Not Flatten Your Artwork Prior To Saving.

Saving Your Artwork As A PDF – If You Are Using Adobe Illustrator:
When ready to output from AI format. Choose Save As > Adobe PDF and choose ‘Press Quality’ from the program presets.

Which File Type Formats Are Accepted?
We prefer and recommend that you provide print ready PDFs

We accept the preferred following file types:

– CorelDraw
– Illustrator
– Photoshop (PSD, flat layer)

If you are supplying artwork in PSD format please ensure it is PC based, and all fonts used in the document should be collected and sent.
Alternatively we recommend that you follow the PDF advice to create a press ready PDF from your PSD.
Please ensure if sending artwork as EPS, AI, or CDR that all fonts are converted to ‘Paths / Outlines / Curves’ and all images are embedded within the document.

And a final note if you are supplying your artwork as a TIFF or JPEG – please ensure that the document is CMYK and saved at minimum 300dpi, and placed in our base template.

I Don’t Know How To Design For Print – HELP!
No problem. We have covered every concern and every challenge so that you can concentrate on the most important part – running your business.
For all design and print design requirements, you can employ our professional graphic designer. For more details contact us for your custom design estimate.

How Can I Send My Artwork?
The process of uploading your artwork is very quick and easy. Once you have completed the payment of your order, you will be prompted to upload your artwork. It is a simple process of clicking to find the file on your computer and then clicking ‘upload’.
Your order and artwork will be confirmed together to ensures a swift and efficient order process.